Southern Pacific Railroad History Center


Executive Department

The function of the executive department is to:

  1. Plan and establish major Company objectives.
  2. Create an organization to achieve the objectives.
  3. Provide the resources used by the organization in achieving these objectives.
  4. Coordinate the activities of the various departments and subsidiary companies.
  5. Evaluate performance and accomplishments.

The president (chairman), of the Southern Pacific, who is also the chief executive officer, has general control of the affairs, property, and business of the company, subject to the board of directors, the executive committee, and the provisions of the bylaws.  The president, as appropriate, delegates certain authorities to other principal officers.  The president and the executive department staff constantly review operations and financial statements of all company activities to insure that the objectives established are achieved.

Reporting to the president is the executive department and the presidents of Southern Pacific subsidiaries.  In addition, there are two vice presidents in the executive department, each functioning in specific areas of the company’s activities.  The corporate secretary reports to the president.

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