Southern Pacific Railroad History Center


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  • #4349


    Having moved to AZ a few years ago, I have taken up an interest in the ROWs in Arizona. I am wondering if there is any place to download old SP Track Charts for any or all of Arizona. I like to find old sidings/spurs/industries that have since been erased in the real world. I managed to find Track Charts for AT&SF, but can’t find the SP.

    Thanks in advance.


    Peter Baumhefner

    Hi Bryce! I am unaware of individuals who may have the entire collection of Southern Pacific track charts, but I do know they are out there. I just searched for Southern Pacific Railroad Arizona track charts on the internet and found bits and pieces of track charts. I did see one on E-Bay for sale after searching for SP Tucson Division track charts. There are some folks who are members of the Southern Pacific Railroad History Center that spent their SP career in the Engineering Department and worked in Arizona. I’ll “rattle their cage” to see if they know where to find the SP Tucson Division track charts. Thank-you for your interest in the Southern Pacific Railroad and for entering the forum with your request! Pete


    Hello 4321:
    I worked as Asst. Division Engineer at Tucson and I think I have a 1974 track chart stashed away somewhere. They are printed on 1″=1 mile scale for the main lines. I don’t have the branch line charts.
    These charts do show spurs off the main track, but I think that you will be disappointed for places like Phoenix with long drill tracks are not included.
    As you most likely know, there were very few customers along the main tracks. Most of the SP’s customers were the mines on the Nogales, Douglas, Globe, Hayden, and Clifton lines. The main line was much more about BSMs Auto Parts, and other bridge traffic.
    It would be about an 85 page scan effort if I can find my copy. (ugh) My chart would have quite a few notes, maybe some of them identify who used the spurs, but not likely.
    Mike McGinley



    Thanks. I’ll try your search criteria and ebay. Appreciate your help on this.


    Thanks to you as well. If you happen to find them, I would be happy to do the scanning if I can get them from you and then I will return them. By the way, I always greatly appreciate your stories at SP conventions!




    I just ordered the CD from Ebay for the Tucson Division. We’ll see how it does! Thanks for the tip. Never would have thought to look there. They are fairly “new” from 1982, but it is better than what I have which is nothing at the moment. Mike’s from 74 might be interesting to compare.


    Peter Baumhefner

    Mike, Thanks for your offer to Bryce. That was great of you to offer!

    Bryce, I’m glad you found it! Hopefully it provides the information you are looking for.


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